Safeguard Your Creations

Protect Innovation With Our Intellectual Property Expertise

Intellectual property can be a legal minefield. With Jassy Lawyers, it’s never been clearer. We ensure your innovations and creations are fully protected, giving you the certainty you need to maintain your competitive edge and keep your work secured.

We specialise in comprehensive intellectual property services, including expertise in securing patents, trademarks, copyrights, and design rights. With a dedicated team who draw on decades of experience, we’ll navigate the complex realm of intellectual property law on your behalf, protecting your work from infringement and unauthorised use.

Customised Intellectual Property strategies

We develop IP strategies that align with your unique goals, needs and specific circumstances.

Legal rigour

Our meticulous attention to detail ensures your rights are established, defended, and guaranteed.

Strategic IP management

By considering how your IP can be maximised via its commercial benefits, we offer strategic ongoing management that enhances your market position.

Secured legacies

We protect your IP for the long term, providing a foundation for future security and activity.

Secured Innovative Visions

Protect Your Creations For The Long Term

The work you do today must be protected against the unknowns of tomorrow. We offer industry-leading expertise in the area of intellectual property protection, equipping our clients with the necessary support they need to protect inventions, art, brands, designs, and more.

By navigating the intricate landscape of intellectual property rights on your behalf, we’re able to build a foundation of certainty that allows your work to deliver on its current and future value. The critical importance of securing intellectual property is inherent to our strategic legal services: we’re here to shield your work for the long term.


Talk to One of Our Lawyers to See if This is Right for You


Frequently Asked Questions

This refers to legal protections that are the right of creators and owners of work that has been created from their own intellect, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and design rights.

Different forms of protection are available to different forms of intellectual property. We can advise on the appropriate protections based on your unique needs.

A trademark is a symbol, word, or phrase that is legally registered to represent a company or product. A copyright protects original works of authorship, granting the creator exclusive rights to that work.

Ideas cannot be copyrighted, only their expression in a tangible form.

Intellectual property rights last for varying lengths of time, dependent on the format of the original work and its country of origin.

A design right protects the visual appearance of a product and can be registered or unregistered.

This can lead to legal disputes with the owner drawing on common law rights to take potential legal action against you.

Consult with an intellectual property lawyer to assess your options, including the necessary legal actions to bring the infringement to a stop or the seeking of damages arising from that infringement.

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